Bodies of Work: Figurative Artworks From the Permanent Collection, 2002.
The versatility of the human body to portray formal and theoretical concerns in art is examined in this exhibition. Many of the works come from the Museum’s collection of contemporary art, including new acquisitions by Louisa Chase, Jeffrey Kronsnoble, and Robert Farber. However, the other works in the exhibition will come from the Museum’s collections of Asian art and Pre-Columbian art, inlucding a recently acquired ceramic figure from the Chupicuaro Culture of West Mexico, ca. 400 – 100 BC. This will enable the exhibition to provide a broader study of interpretations of the human form.
The other artists included in this exhibition are: Richard Heipp, Gary Gessford, Alice Neel, Philip Pearlstien, Julio Antoinio, R.C. Gorman, Simon Gate, Rikk Traweek, Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, James Rosenquist, Alfredo Bustinza, Carla Nickerson, and Robert Kushner.