Compare and Contrast: Texture
/Understanding the Elements of Art using works from the Polk Museum of Art Collection
Maggie Davis, Trouble, 1990, Charcoal and acrylic on paper. Gift of the artist in honor of her father, Justin Bruce Davis
Larry Rhoads, Hot House, 1997, Mixed media. 2000 Mayfaire-by-the-Lake Purchase Award through the Kent Harrison Memorial Acquisition Fund and the General Acquisition Fund
how the surface of a material looks and “feels”
Big Idea
Texture can be tactile (real) or visual (conveyed when no actual texture is present).
Discussion 1
How did the artists create texture or the appearance of texture in their works? What is a benefit of creating texture in each way (actual tactile texture versus painted visual texture)?
Discussion 2
What are some challenges an artist might face if they are making a work with tactile texture? (Trouble finding the right texture, difficult to hang on a wall, etc.)
Fast Facts
Maggie Davis (a contemporary artist) thinks abstract paintings can have their own narrative and can convey emotions
Davis wants the elements of her work (texture, color, shape) to interact in a relational way, much like people do