Working From Home: A Day in the Life
/While we miss the Museum more and more each day, our team is making the best of it by working hard at home to bring you creative content, online resources, and planning for the future of the Museum. Let’s see what the Museum staff has been up to lately!
Working from home, our dynamic Education duo, Ellen and Megan, have been pulling out all the stops, bringing you our first virtual student exhibition, creating online art activities for you to do from home, and working to redevelop education programs for our remote realities, as well as to develop new programs to potentially implement once the Museum reopens. They are using this time to brainstorm and bring you the best education programs possible!
Ellen, Education Manager, featuring her cat, Miles, and daughter, Copper!
Megan, Education Coordinator, working hard from home!
Visitor Services and the Shop
Although we can’t be in The Shop physically, there is still a lot of work to get done! Megan, our Shop Assistant Manager, has been looking toward the months ahead, creating a five year plan in which she hopes to better organize The Shop and focus on product development. “[Remote work] looks like this most days and it can be tough to keep Charlotte on task, but every now and then she has genius ideas,” said Megan. If it isn’t too hot outside, she’s creating new displays for the store and working hard to transform the space for each exhibition!
Danielle, our Digital Social Media Manager for The Shop, is working on creating and scheduling social media content, revamping The Shop’s Digital Marketing procedures, and collaborating with our Education team to help bring you art projects that can be accessible online — all while wrangling her mischievous little one year old!
Megan, Assistant Manager of Retail and Visitor Experience, working with Charlotte to create her five year plan for the shop!
Danielle, Digital Marketing Manager & Retail & Visitor Experience Associate, and her mini digital marketing associate.
Curatorial Team
As always, our fearless Curatorial team is busily planning out the next steps for exhibition and collection programming for the Museum! Loren, our Collections Manager & Registrar, is prepping for an assessment of our Art of the Ancient Americas collection, while Matt, our Preparator & Design Manager, is working on website design and on bringing you online versions of exhibitions!
Loren, Collections Manager & Registrar, working with her pup, Indy!
Matt, Preparator & Design Manager, working at his computer, designing away!
Admin Team
Our Administation team is hard at work making sure the day to day gets done, even from home! Diane, Admin Assistant to the Executive Director, is working on new strategies for recruiting potential students interested in the Art History and Museum Studies program at Florida Southern.
Alex, our Executive Director and Chief Curator, is running the Museum from afar! He’s busy planning exhibition schedules, reaching out to our lenders and patrons, and everything in-between! He is also planning ahead and re-imagining the Museum in a corona and post-corona world and how we can better serve our community!
Taylor, Manager of Membership & Communications, is working on new online content, including MUSEings, and keeping in contact with our members!
Meanwhile. Gregory, Director of Security, Technology & Photography, is working on bringing you a virtual tour of the Museum and partaking in lots of continuing education. He is currently taking an online photography masters class with Joe McNally from the most comfortable computer setup in Lakeland — pictured below!
Diane, Administrative Assistant to the Office of the Executive Director, and her trusty assistant, Ivan, who is taking a break from chewing his tennis ball.
Taylor, Manager of Membership and Communications, and her cat, Vax, who is helping her write a blog post.
Gregory, Director of Security, Technology & Photography, and his pup, Paisley!
Thanks for checking in with us!